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Home  >  Resins, Polyester & Vinylester & Epoxy  > Non-Corrosive Epoxy, Curing Agent, 1:1 Ratio, EA-075B, Quart

Non-Corrosive Epoxy, Curing Agent, 1:1 Ratio, EA-075B, Quart

Item #:125228 
FGCI, Non Corrosive Activator, Part B, 100% Solids, 1:1, Mix well and do not vary ratio. Activators with lower ratios give Flex & Work Time; Higher Ratios give Hardness & Chem. Resistance, Pot Life @ 77F & .5 lb Mass: 30-45 Min., Quart
Our 1 to 1 Epoxy Activator forms an easy to use 2 component 100 % solids epoxy system when mixed with either of our available epoxy resins in a ratio of one part Resin ( A side ) to one part Activator (B side ) by volume.

When used with our Laminating Epoxy resin it will form a thinner liquid more appropriate for wetting out fiberglass and other reinforcements it will have a slightly longer Gel Time and form a plastic with more flexibility and a lower HDT (Heat Distortion Temperature).

This system will cure to a tough, hard, blush free, amber colored plastic, with good physical properties, chemical and solvent resistance, excellent resistance to water and good adhesion to wood, glass, metals, and most other plastics.

**As with all adhesive compounds bonding surfaces should be clean and free dirt or grease**

Resins, Polyester & Vinylester & Epoxy
